Saturday, November 19, 2011

Big Move: Bolivia

So we’re going to move to Bolivia.

I don’t know if that got your attention, but frankly, it got mine! Dana & I have been talking about this since last summer, and yet it’s still kind of hard to wrap my arms around exactly what it means. The good news is that we just returned from two weeks in Bolivia during which we had a chance to see the city we would be living in (Cochabamba), visit with some of the people we would be working with, see some examples of schools that we might put our kids in, and get a much better idea exactly how we might be able to really be of assistance.

The short version is that I will be taking a position titled “Coordinator of Business as Mission” for the country of Bolivia. What does that mean? It means we will be working alongside a traditional missionary, in a non-traditional missionary type of role. I don’t have Bible classes in my background, but I do have an M.B.A. and have experience in economic development, and working with small businesses. So I’ll have the opportunity to help make sure some business projects have the opportunity to be sustainable, long-term efforts that impact individuals and communities in the country of Bolivia.

I realize that’s a somewhat broad and vague description. Fortunately, our trip to Bolivia allowed us to get a much better vision for exactly how we can have an impact. Rather than try to lay out all of the details of that right now however, I am committing to updating this blog with stories, pictures, and more information in the coming weeks and months.

So if you want to hear more about this strange, wonderful, exciting, and daunting chapter in our lives, sign up to follow our blog or register for our email newsletter here, and see where this adventure takes us.


  1. Yeah for your big announcement! I'm so excited for you all and will be praying for you as you all prepare to move to Bolivia!

    Also - pretty cool to post the first comment on your fancy new blog!

    -Michelle McCarten

  2. Yahoo! We're very excited for all of you! We'll be prayin'!
    Scott & Carmen

  3. How awesome its that! Yeah for you guys! You are going to have top post on your blog EVERY DAY !!!!!!!

