Friday, April 5, 2013

Life’s Perpetual Homework, by Dana

Our new life in Cochabamba has the four us learning full throttle each day, all day.  We are now living with host family Grover and Nelvia Arancibia Cruz, and their two adorable boys Matias (5) and Nicolas (3).  They are teaching us more about Bolivian culture, food and customs.   The Arancibia Cruz home is in a section of Cochabamba called Barrio FerroBiario, about 8 kilometers from the heart of the city.  Therefore Quinn has gotten even more proficient dealing with public transportation and fare negotiation with taxis.

Each morning the four of us go back into the city together so we can all go to school.  On the way to catch a bus, there’s an abandoned railroad behind the Arancibia Cruz’s where we have seen the same shepherd a few mornings with his flock.  After finding and hopping a “micro”, we get to a large rotunda where we hail a taxi and negotiate a price.  Once we get to Despartad (our children’s school), we walk the kids to their classroom and greet their teachers and other parents.  One endearing aspect of Bolivian culture is their insistence on greeting each person, as if each person matters.  I find this to be just like God’s heart.

While it’s my goal to achieve a “3 year old’s level of Spanish fluency” it’s going to take quite a while for me to get there.  Learning Spanish starting from ground zero, is simply tough.   Living with a Bolivian family puts us in a permanent soak of learning.  Looking back at our lives in Helena, I can see how my normal life was so often in auto pilot.  Before I never had use much brain power to go to the grocery, bank, get daily directions, make friends, how to cook, get safe water, how to decipher our children’s homework directions, decide what is acceptable to wear, bring to a party—well the list goes on.  And while I’ll admit that this commitment/preoccupation with learning is a new phase in my life, I am sure it’s more of the mindset God has wanted me to have all long.

I am finding inspiration for learning in our host family.  Grover, has the heart of a scholar.  First of all, he’s fluent in four languages (Quechua, Spanish, French and English), and his home office shows his love of learning.  While he did not have an ideal upbringing, living with many different family members, he achieved many accomplishments, including being ranked number one in Karate for the whole country.  On the cusp of training for Olympics to compete in Karate, he decided instead to pursue his study of the Bible.  He is now a teacher at a Christian school, and hosts many families like us.  He teaches and preaches at his church, works with the young adults and occasionally does translation work.  Grover is a very bright, humble, hardworking man dedicated to giving his boys (including one more on the way) a stable and godly childhood, different from his own. And God has surely granted him a gem of a wife.  Nelvia is also a treasure of grace, hard work and kindness.  And (lucky us) she’s an incredible cook!

Here’s some more inspiration to continually learn what God’s gentle heart wants to teach you:

Proverbs 13: 20a  “He who walks with the wise grows wise.”
Titus 3:14  “Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good…and not live unproductive lives.”
Psalm 25:4-5 “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my God and my Savior, and my hope is in your all day long.”
Psalm 90:12  “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”


  1. Great update! Sorry to hear you both had pink eye. That's no fun. You're host family looks delightful and about ready to pop! What's her due date? You guys look like you are adjusting well. We have been thinking of you and praying for you!

    So, here's a couple of questions. I'm trying to find you guys on Google maps. I found Postulantado La Salle at 83 Casilla. Are you close to that? What's the name of the closest cross streets you live on? I don't see Casilla on the map, but I see Calle de Paz. Am I warm? How long does it take you to commute by bus and taxi to school(s)? Are the roads dirt near your home?

    Between the city and approximately where you live, it looks like Indiana from Google maps. Lots of fields. I'm sure the terrain is quite different.

    Well, I hope you guys had a Blessed Easter. We spent the day with your dad and had a large family dinner after church. Keep the blogs coming. We love hearing about your mission. Love to all!!

  2. Oh, do you have any special requests to be mailed to you?? Missing anything terribly that we can send easily. Let us know!!

  3. Thanks for the Scripture verses - they are so encouraging! So excited to hear a Holzer update and hear about your host family!

  4. Glad you guys are here and learning so much with Grover & Nelvia. Your learning and flexible attitudes inspire us. Just think of all the stories we're going to be able to tell a year from now!
