Wow... Two months since we last updated our blog! Sorry about that.
Let me just start by saying that Coca-Cola and computers don't mix well. So between having lost most of my photos, not to mention my ability to upload anything, I've fallen a bit behind on a number of things.
Apparently Coke reacts and creates a nasty green substance when exposed to these electronics! |
We have been teaching a series of workshops with small groups of pastors, and during the last day with one group (we meet for 10 weeks at a time) I was making copies of CDs with all of the information for these pastors to have, and Coke got spilled on my computer. So unfortunately, I was left with an expensive paper-weight! However, I am very thankful for some Helen friends who stepped forward and purchased a new computer for me to use here in Bolivia. Thank you so much!
Presenting the Certificate and CD to one of the Pastors. |
We also traveled to Santa Cruz to present to a larger group of pastors and community members, where I was privileged to have the opportunity to share about the importance and significance of work in the life of a Christian. This has been fun sharing this information, as we see long-standing perceptions challenged, and also see members of the churches being empowered to serve God with the gifts he has given them.
Teaching in Santa Cruz. |
These workshops are essentially "Step 1" as we work through this year. I am now working with my co-worker Duane to teach this information in a local church out in Vinto every Thursday evening, as move beyond working with pastors, to working with leaders and members of the churches. It is exciting to see the young people engage with this information.
However, we still plan to move toward "Step 3" where we will focus specifically on Businesspeople, as we talk through a Theology of Work, but also discuss business planning, marketing, innovation, and other such fundamentals, with a Biblical perspective and connection to the community. It should be exciting to see where this goes!